
Missing Something?

I love running! It has become one of my most favorite things to do. one evening someone overheard me talking aobut how I had run 6 miles around the block that morning. She asked a question that is actually quite common…

“You ran six miles for no reason? Were you running from something?”

What non-runners don’t understand is that it’s not about what we are running from, but rather what we are running to. Runners have elarned that the pain, trials and discomfort of training for a race is worth it when we cross that finish line. So what we often want to ask thesse people is, “Why not run?”

I’ve realized that the reason why more people don’t run is because they have no idea what it’s like. They don’t know what they are missing. There is nothing like chasing after a goal and then on race day realizing how much more we are capable of than we thought.

The Christian life is no different. You may have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, recognizing that you are a sinner and that there is nothing you can do to get into heaven by your own means, but have you decided to run the race that God has called you to run? Because if not, you are so missing out. There is nothing like jumping into God’s training plan and running full of joy, hope, peace, love… the list goes on…

Will you choose to run?

Be Still and Run

We exist primarily for the reason of encouraging Christian women in their walk with the Lord. We are passionate about helping you go to God to fulfil that emptiness in your soul. If you don’t have an intimate relationship with the Lord, you are so missing out. His love for you is so much more beautiful than you could ever imagine. And there is nothing quite like walking in the will of God, fulfilling the works and calling He created you to accomplish. You were meant to run the Christian life full of His Spirit, enabling you to do great things to advance His Kingdom that you never dreamed of doing.

Upcoming Events

Back to the Basics Course – April 2024

After two years of trying to get everything together, we are finally opening for our second group!

For this group only, you will pay $25 in order to cover printing and shipping costs of the workbook.

For more information visit the B2B page here.

Who We Are

About Us

Our Beliefs

We believe every person on earth was created to run with God. Not for Him – because in all reality there is no good in us and we can do nothing without Him in the first place- and not against Him. We also believe that the Christian life should be that of Hope in Christ. We should know WHO God is and WHO we are as His children. This in turn gives us an opportunity to choose whether to live in the world or of the world. We as children of God have the Spirit of love, power, and a sound mind living within us and we believe that by living in the truth of God’s word and trusting Him to keep His promises, each of His followers can have an intimate relationship with Christ that fulfills our deepest needs and desires. Religion, which is following a bunch of rules, steals the joy and satisfaction in Jesus that God desires each of us to have. We want to help you change your life from an “I have to” Christianity, to “I get to!”

About Us

Our Vision

Our vision is to get runners excited about running with God in both their physical and spiritual life. We desire to help you reconcile your relationship with the Father, through His Son Jesus Christ, and then encourage you to find what your specific purpose is in life and fulfill that by running the Christian Life with God!

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How Can We Help You?

We absolutely would love to get in contact with you! Connect with us on social, contact us, share prayer requests, ask questions… We are here to serve you, let us know how we can!