As A Person, Be Still, Letting Go and Letting God, Life, Relax, rest, running with God, the will of God, Training the Mind

Debunking the Saying,“I don’t need to rest, I’ll rest when I die.”

Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.

Psalm 116:7

The saying, “I don’t need to rest, I’ll rest when I die” is actually quite common among the older generation.  It doesn’t seem to come up very often in today’s society because we “youngsters” seem to think we are entitled to certain things.  But nonetheless both groups of people have been running in the ditch.

Years ago, I imagined trying to run in the ditch.  Some of them wouldn’t be too complicated, but others would probably leave you with a sprained ankle. This little imagination game was going on in my head while I was running on the road and thinking, “This is so much easier up here.”

I think in our life we often end up running in the ditch.  We throw God’s ideas to the side and think, “I can do so much more if I keep going.”  We talk about how we know rest should be in our life and how much stress is destroying us, but we don’t do anything about it.

Think for a moment about how many times we try to skip out on God’s blessings just because we think our way is best.  We think we know how life should work.  And then we end up going our own way and miss so much God had to offer.

In the next three posts I asked some friends to share their perspective on what God has taught them about rest.

I pray that as you read these you will be encouraged to seek God about how rest could be added to your life in a personal way that will draw you closer to Christ.

Our souls are weary and faint.  We need to remember what the Lord has done for us and choose to do things God’s way – command our soul, Return unto thy rest! For God has done great things for us!

I love ya’ll and will see you next week. Happy Running!

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