As A Person, back to the basics, Be Still, Be You, depression, feelings, Knowing Your Why, Life, motivation, running with God, the will of God, thoughts, Training the Mind

A Runners Battleground

Meditation, Mantras, and Repetitive Words

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5

A runner’s battleground is in their mind.  Every runner knows that in order to keep going, they must learn to control their thoughts.

I will be honest.  I have a very hard time controlling my thoughts. I have fallen down many holes, suffered depression, and became angry all because of my thoughts. Yet you can set me in the same circumstances and I can walk on water full of joy and peace… all because of my thoughts.

I blame it on the fact that I’m a dreamer. I love dreaming up things. I love imagining things.  But God brought to mind how the first thing in the list of what we are to think about in Philippians 4:8 is things that are true.  I realized that even though the majority of my thoughts weren’t necessarily sinful, I shouldn’t be thinking about it.  Then I started to realize as I analyzed my thoughts that I actually had idols in my life.  I thought of other things more than I thought of God.

As I analyzed my thoughts, I also began analyzing my life.  My actions and attitude was totally different depending on what I was continually thinking about.  When I focus my thoughts on Christ, my life is completely different – I’m more of the person I actually want to be. But when I think of other things more than God, even if it is “good” things, I feel unsatisfied, wanting, and honestly get irritated quite easily.

Meditation is thinking of the same thing often,

Mantras is having a small phrase to repeat, and

Repetitive words is simply that, repeating single words.

Think of where you are now.  Is it possible that because of certain things you dwelt on in the past, maybe fear, lies, or worry have caused you to make decisions that weren’t for the best?

So in closing this month’s topic on our thoughts, I have to ask the question again,

Where have your thoughts taken you?

If you missed week two of this month, I would recommend you check that out to help you analyze your thoughts. The Beginning of A New Life

For more in depth on today’s post check out episode #66 A Runners Battleground on the Be Still and Run by Alli Anne podcast on your favorite platform.

Happy Running!

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