As A Person, Be Still, Core, depression, Dreams and Desires, faith, Letting Go and Letting God, Life, Our Focus, prayer

When seasons of waiting draw on forever…

Why are their seasons of waiting? And what should we do in the meantime?

Seasons of waiting can be enjoyable if you keep your eyes on Christ and be faithful in the little, remembering that this is training ground for what’s ahead.

Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

Psalm 37:7

Just recently I was on the verge of taking a big leap of faith in moving forward with where God was leading me.  I was so excited! I knew where God wanted my focus, how and what to do. I was ready.

But then my life took me in an unexpected place and made things look completely impossible.  I went into a controlled depression.  I was still able to function, still able to convince myself to do things, but knew I also had people praying for me. I just couldn’t convince myself to move forward in anything I felt God leading me, even though there was plenty I could be doing.  All I seemed to be able to do was read the bible, pray, and continue training.  I didn’t want to do anything else.

Finally God encouraged me to call a friend because I just needed someone to talk to in general.  I tried to ignore the questions of how I was doing but it ended up coming out anyway.  She prayed for me before we got off the phone and it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and it hasn’t been back since. 

I then began to seek God in what was going on and I soon realized that I was in another season of waiting.  I told God I felt like my entire life has been a season of waiting.  In 2011 He laid something on my heart and I’m still waiting.  Will there ever be any action, any forward motion?  It’s been 12 years.

I finally accepted the inevitable and began to seek God in how He wants me to be of service to Him in the waiting.  What were all these years of waiting for? Why so long?

Accounts in scripture started to stand out for when God laid a vision on someone’s heart how long they had to wait and what they had to go through in that waiting.  Take Joseph for example.  He was rejected by his brothers, sold as a slave, and served years in prison for no fault of his own.  Yet what happened during that waiting? 

  • His faith was strengthened,
  • He grew in his relationship with God,
  • He served faithfully where God had him, and
  • He was prepared and trained to become the leader God created him to be.

What about Abraham? He was told to go somewhere he had no idea where he was going.  Was told all the land he trod would be his descendants.  Was told the heir would be from his own bowels.  What happened to him in the waiting?

  • He grew in his faith,
  • He continued living his life as a faithful steward of what he had,
  • He was prepared to be a father of many nations,
  • His relationship with God was strengthened, and
  • He helped others along the way.

So as I talked with different people, prayed about what God wanted from me, this is what I felt Him place upon my heart. 

  • Focus on my relationship with God,
  • Be faithful in serving those He places in my path,
  • Realize I am still in a season of training, so take each day as I would a training run,
  • Obey God in where He leads me each day, and
  • Pray for areas and people He lays on my heart that has to do with the vision He gave me.

I would encourage you all to go to God in your season of waiting, talk with godly men and women you trust, ask for prayer, search the scriptures, fast, seek after God, and see what He lays specifically on your heart concerning the season you are in right now.  And if you so feel led, you are welcome to reach out for prayer and encouragement here.  I would be happy to pray for you.

I love you and pray you have a blessed week, Happy Running!

In a difficult season? Check out last months list of things to include in your prayer time that helps me stay focused on Christ, filled with peace, hope, and joy.

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