As A Person, back to the basics, Be Still, Be You, motivation, running with God, The Beginning, The Three Frustrations of a Runner, the will of God

New Year, New You!

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

As runners we seem to always be chasing after the next goal.  This isn’t a bad thing.  Most of the consistent runners seem to make good headway.  But sometimes when it comes to our normal life, things are a little bit different.

Are you tired of the goals and resolutions you set every year not making a difference in your life?  Are you tired of always feeling stuck in certain areas of your life?

I know I was.

Eventually I gave up.

Which was actually the greatest thing I could have done.

Three years later, my goals have changed and I’m now seeing more being accomplished and moving forward than I ever thought possible.

You see, God created each of us to crave a relationship with Him.

I know, you’re probably thinking, “I thought this was about our New Years Goals?”  It is, just hang in there and let me explain.

God created each of us to be in fellowship with Him.  Sin destroyed that possibility.

But Jesus.

He came to earth to make a way for our relationship with the Father to be restored.

But… relationships are two-sided.

A lot of times though, we don’t realize that what our heart is craving is fellowship with the Father.

We try one thing after another.  We keep saying, When I do this then I’ll be happy!  When _____ is done, then I’ll ______.  You fill in the blanks.

In my opinion, the best thing to do with our resolutions is take them to God first.

Here is a list of some topics to get you started in sharing your heart with God for the New Year.  Feel free to print the sheet below if you just want to fill it out. I know for me that is always way more simple. I also have a general printable prayer of my own to give you an idea. I pray it is a blessing to you.

Next week I’ll share another bonus episode with the next best thing you can do. Don’t forget to listen to this week’s bonus episode on the Be Still and Run by Alli Anne podcast, #76 New Year, New You, where I explain more in depth of why this has changed the way I make goals.

Have a great week and Happy Running!

Dear Father,

Thank you this year for:

Here are my desires for this coming year:

Here is what I want to see you do in my life this coming year:

What verse would you have for me this coming year?

Here is a character quality I want to see more of you Lord this coming year:

Here is my heart:

Here are my frustrations:

Here is my life:

Here is what I’m looking forward to seeing you do:

Here are my worries:

This year is:

Next year is:

Applications for the Back to the Basics Course are open!! 

This is a group of ladies over 18 that gather bi-weekly for 12 weeks to encourage each other to run the Christian life WITH God!  Not for Him, but WITH HIM!!

I am so excited to be opening another group! 

This group will start in April of 2024. 

To learn more go to the Course page here. Prices for this group only is $25 per person. 

We like to keep the group small so be sure to fill out the application in complete honesty.  We will go over each in prayer and choose who we feel will best benefit from the course. 

There will be a waiting list if you choose to be on it, though the price may change in the future.

Looking forward to hearing from it!

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