Knowing Your Why, Life, motivation, Training the Mind, why?

Why Do You Do What You Do?

There is always a reason…

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

Luke 6:45

There is a reason you got angry at your coworker today. 

There is a reason that you got upset at that driver. 

There is a reason you burst into tears over that unkind word. 

There is a reason you wanted to skip church last week. 

There is a reason you took a walk this morning.

There is a reason you…

It doesn’t matter what you did today, last week, or last year, there is a reason for it.

Most of the time you can trace everything back to a sin.

Other times you can trace it back to the graciousness of God.

Sometimes though, God withholds the knowledge of knowing why in order to draw you closer to Him.

I have noticed though that it is very helpful for me to know why I do something.  It helps me in my prayer life to know what to ask God for, but also be able to pray for others.  It also helps bring peace to my situation and to trust God with the trials.

Luke 6:45 shows us that what is in us, comes out.

Tune in to this week’s podcast episode on the Be Still and Run by Alli Anne show – #72 Why Do You Do What You Do? – to learn how this concept helps me and how you could do it for yourself.

Below is downloadable sheet you can use to figure out why you do what you do, taken from the Why Not Run? Workshop workbook.

Have a great week and remember, there is always a reason for everything you do. Happy Running!

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