Be You, feelings, Knowing Your Why, thoughts, Training the Mind

The Beginning of A New Life

Analyzing Your Thoughts

Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.

Lamentations 3:40

At least 80% of a runners battle is said to be our mind.  I’ve heard of lots of people who say once you dig yourself into a hole with your thoughts it’s hard to get back out and it begins to steal all your energy.

The Christian life is no different.  At least 80% of a Christians battle is in their mind and once we dig ourselves into a hole, it is hard to get out.

Life as a Christian is supposed to be simple and delightful. Jesus came to give us abundant life and that starts in our mind. Hebrews 12:3 is one of my go to verses.  It says to think about what Jesus went through for us lest we be weary and faint in our minds.  We often blame our feelings for how we act and that is correct, but we seem to forget where our feelings come from. 

First we have a thought, then we have a feeling, then we act off of that feeling. 

It’s a continual cycle that lasts our entire life.

I’ve found one of the best ways to start changing my ways is to realize what thoughts are going through my mind.  Or I’ll take a feeling and ask myself why I am feeling that way. What was I thinking about before I had that feeling?  You can do the same with your actions.  Why did I act that way?  What was I feeling or thinking about that triggered that reaction? What lie or fear am I dwelling on?

There are several different ways to analyze your thoughts. It will be entirely dependent upon each individual since we are all different.  I would encourage you to go to God and ask Him to lead you in what way would be best for you.  Here are a few things that I’ve done over the years:

  1. Get a blank sheet of paper and write down everything that is on your heart and mind right now
  2. Draw a heart on a blank piece of paper and jot down or draw what you think your heart looks like
  3. Make a list of everything that happened today and how it made you feel
  4. For a lighter version, ask God to bring one thing to mind that you could bring to Him for healing or repentance
  5. Make a list of all the negativity you dwell on everyday
  6. Write out a letter to your best friend and share everything with them. Then instead of sending it to them, readdress it to God.
  7. Write down all your desires in every area of your life.  This seems to say a lot about a person.

Listen to this week’s podcast episode for more. #63 The Beginning of A New Life on the Be Still and Run by Alli Anne podcast using your favorite platform.

Remember, first we have a thought, then we have a feeling, then we act off of that feeling.

Love ya’ll and have a blessed week; Happy Running!

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