Be Still, Breathing, depression, feelings, Letting Go and Letting God, motivation, Our Focus

How is Anxiety Destroying Your Life?

A simple fix to your anxious thoughts

The theif cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

John 10:10
Jesus came to give you abundant life.  But worry can suck that life out of you in an instant.

Anxiety comes from thoughts we have that worry us.  Thoughts about the future and about the unknown. Thoughts based on a fear or lie we believe about God and ourselves. Thoughts focused on ourselves or bitterness towards others…

Anxiety is a real thing and is increasingly causing more and more health and mental illnesses in today’s world.

Panic attacks, depression, and debilitating worry are based off of what we constantly think about, which is what we believe in our hearts to be true.

Ladies, this is the opposite of what God wants for us.  Jesus came to give us abundant life.  Jesus is life and He still spent hours in prayer to be in communion with God, His Father.

And it came to pass in those days, that He went up into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

Luke 6:12

Philippians 4:6-7 is a popular verse, yet we seem to skim over it because we don’t understand how it works.  Next week I’ll share 6 prayer topics that I try to include everyday in my prayer time because for me it gives me the life that I need.  I feel like it is the glue that holds my relationship with God in a vibrant state. 

I do want to be honest though in saying that I am not perfect at this at all.  For example, yesterday I was so focused on God and so excited about what He was doing in my life.  When we went to prayer meeting, I prayed something that made me feel like an absolute idiot and then following that I was just attacked by the enemy with a bunch of lies, doubt, and fear.  I had gotten my eyes off of Christ and on myself, worried about what others thought of me.  This gave Satan room to work even more. 

I have noticed that anxiety is a thief to joy. And the best way to get rid of our anxious thoughts is to confess our distrust and doubt in God’s character, give Him all our worries every time they come to mind, then focusing on Him and our relationship with Him. The prayer topic I’ll share next week is what helps me the best with giving Him my thoughts. So see you next week!

Don’t forget to check out podcast episode #56 on your favorite platform Be Still and Run by Alli Anne.

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